Friday, January 25, 2008


Today's random assortment of photos is a reflection of my current mindset -- a lot of different, great ideas and places that I'm trying to create, organize and accomplish all at once. The following article uses examples of IPods and cars to show how Americans and Japanese suck at making some things, while being great at making others. Sometimes I feel like I attack projects with reckless abandon (American-style), but then have a long way to go to satisfy my perfectionist tendencies and produce Japanese-like quality.

Made in USA

I found this website while trying to find out which materials and metals are used in the manufacture of IPods. Last week, I gave a geology talk to a couple of grade 10 science classes and wanted to make them more aware of where our day-to-day resources come from, and figured that relating rocks to mp3 players would be helpful. It was.

And now some photos that were scattered about my hard drive...

Edmonton, Alberta -- night shot of the waterfall off of the High Level Bridge

Virden, Manitoba -- old tractor sitting in the field behind where my Dad grew up

Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta

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