Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Pond Hockey

This past weekend, there was a shinny tournament held on Chadburn Lake at the edge of Whitehorse. This was the first time I had ever played hockey on skates. I had fun, but I won't be joining a league any time soon. Partly because real rinks don't have snow banks that I could use to help me stop.

We started the day with a gorgeous 9:30 AM sunrise.
An hour later the sun began setting... Just kidding. This wasn't until 1:30 PM.
It turned out to be a gorgeous day with a temperature around zero and no wind.

Many of the teams dressed up.

But the Yukon Synchronized Swim Team won the best dressed award.

One team was kind enough to tape shot glasses to a stick and try to get their opponents drunk.

Our team in action. We're the ones without matching jerseys, but we'll be better prepared next year.

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