Wednesday, March 25, 2009


In keeping with my achronological blogging, I'll post some wintery pictures from Rendezvous weekend back in February -- it is Yukon's long weekend to celebrate its gold rush roots. These pictures aren't too out of place though, because it still looks very wintery up here. The spring melt just started yesterday with slush on the streets, but there is a long way to go until the singletrack is clear.

A lot to do at Rendezvous...

Like carrying 500 pounds of flour on your back. And standing in -20°C with a t-shirt.

The very large Francophone population is always well represented at community events.

I thought that the snow carving was the highlight.

Delayne (and his two team mates) ended up winning the snow carving competition with the Snow Queen, and each pocketed an ounce of Yukon placer gold.

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